About us

A Royal Arch Chapter in the Province of East Kent
Meeting at the Broadstairs Masonic Hall

About Bradstow Chapter 2448

Brastow Royal Arch Chapter meets in the Masonic Hall in Broadstairs. The Chapter is in the jurisdiction of the Province of East Kent and Supreme Grand Chapter (SGC), SGC being under the umbrella of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) which is the supreme authority of all Masonry in England and Wales. The Chapter was consecrated on Tuesday 9th November 1921, so has recently celebrated its Centenary, for which purpose a new banner was made and all members received a Centenary jewel and lapel badge.

Membership of the Chapter is available to Freemasons who are Master Masons and who are at least eighteen years of age. We currently have a reasonable age demographic, tilted to the higher age ranges. Freemasonry has a good reputation in accepting and welcoming members from all walks of life and age ranges and Bradstow Chapter is no exception.

At Bradstow Chapter, we pride ourselves on the quality of our ritual. Besides a rehearsal before every meeting, we have Chapter of Improvements (CoI) on the First and Second Wednesdays of September through April at which all Officers are encouraged to attend.
